Gawker UK - Gizmodo / Kotaku / LifeHacker

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Gawker UK - Gizmodo / Kotaku / LifeHacker

What began as a day's worth of unsolicited work (the light blue designs below) to start a conversation about a re-design turned in to a fairly massive overhaul of that site, and an additional 2 sites ( and that now live within the same framework.

I was responsibe for the foundations of the design, and building the fully responsive template (minus the hardcore AJAX stuff), with 3 different styles. There was a lot of work put in to the SCSS structure to keep it as modular as possible, so a new style was almost as easy as changing a few (dozen!) variables, updating some imagery and spitting out a new stylesheet.

This was also an opportunity to cut my teeth on Git and work with various other developers on one central codebase, something I'd not done on this scale before.