The ramblings of a veteran of 15 years in web design, and 7 console generations.

There's a lot that can be said about web design and development, much of it is written with more eloquence by other people. Here's my stab at it.

Well, that's something new, isn't it?

No-one can say that I'm jumping on the bandwagon by (re)starting my blog. If I tried to jump on that particular bandwagon, I'd have to be as fast as Usain Bolt, and be able to jump higher than space. I've had a website since about 1996, but in the last couple of years it's been relegated to an…

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Laser eye surgery. It's the shit

I'm bored of telling the story now, so when people ask me how my eye surgery went from now on, I'm just going to shout " !" at them and leave it be. Unless I actually want to talk to that person, in which case I'll memorise and repeat the below:

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